Thursday 27 August 2009

General Fonseka for Nobel Prize


Nobel Peace Prize is the world's most prestigious prize awarded for the 'preservation of peace'.

Every year, in the month of September the Nobel Committee sends out invitation letters to individuals qualified to nominate a person or a group for this honor.

Please join us in contacting many qualified nominators as possible and requesting them to nominate General Fonseka.

You can forward the sample nomination letter provided below as a helpful template to the nominators and encourage them to submit the nomination with a letter along these lines.

Dear Nobel Peace Prize Committee Members,

I would like to nominate General Sarath Fonseka for the next Nobel Peace Prize.

General Sarath has been the architect of the wonderful peace that has dawned upon this ancient land, after thirty terrible years of unremitting war; a war inflicted upon the innocent people of Sri Lanka by the most ruthless and cruel terrorist movement the world has ever seen. What this noble man has accomplished is nothing less than ensuring the safety and welfare, freedom and progress, of all men, women and children of Sri Lanka who have an inalienable right to live in peace and security. Here I speak particularly of the myriad homes where wage-earners strive amid the vicissitudes of human existence to protect spouse and child from harm, provide for their daily needs, and raise a family in the time-honored traditions of great religions and ethical standards that reflect their unique and proud heritage. To give security to these countless homes, they must be shielded from the two giant marauders: terrorism and war. We all know the frightful disturbances in which the ordinary family is plunged when the curse of war swoops down upon the bread-winner and those he struggles to protect and preserve.

The awful ruin of Northern Sri Lanka, with all its vanished glories, and of large parts of Eastern Sri Lanka is daunting to the soul of the most stoic of us. When the designs of wicked men, or the aggressive urge of ruthless terrorist groups, dissolve the fabric of civilized society over large areas, humble folk are confronted with difficulties they cannot fathom, or cope with. For them, all is distorted, all is broken, all ground to pulp. When I stand here at this time of blessed peace, at the end of this terrible war, I shudder at the awful memory of what actually transpired in this hauntingly beautiful resplendent land to millions of its innocent law-abiding citizens. Terrorized each and everyday for past thirty years by these cruel terrorists, their voices silenced at the barrel of a gun, their under-age children conscripted for battle or as human-bombs, all protest stilled by rope, barbed wire, gun, and bomb, their property confiscated, and expelled from their homes to seek refuge among strangers, often in foreign lands as refugees. The magnitude of the pain, horror and mayhem they inflicted in these thirty years upon the innocent people of Sri Lanka is beyond human comprehension.

Ending this anarchy and restoring the inalienable right to life and liberty to all people under the rule of just and fair law, was the supreme task and duty undertaken by these three brave champions of peace. Past leaders of Sri Lanka, though well meaning, did not take their duty to protect and serve the people of Sri Lanka seriously enough to risk paying the price of securing it. In placing political expediency above the lives and welfare of all of their people, and heeding the flawed advice of global naysayers with agendas not fully aligned with the interests of the people of Lanka, they allowed a terrorist movement to grow and usurp without consent the traditional liberties of the people. What distingushes these three leaders from those who preceded them, was their compassionate conviction that the lives and safety of their citizens matters more than any other consideration, particularly the interests of any ruling elite. To them what was at stake was not the survival of the leaders, but the survival of the common people.

Following in the footsteps of that most compassionate of men, President Abraham Lincoln, vilified in his own time for pursuing the US Civil war with utmost vigor to bring it to a successful close in four short years, General Sarath Fonseka launched a Humanitarian Operation with equal determination to liberate the enslaved people of North and East, and deliver all people of Sri Lanka from clutches of terrorism. He was dedicated to eradicating by leaf, branch, trunk and root every vestige of the violence and arbitrary exercise of power that the terrorists had unleashed, to reunifying the nation, and to restoring to all its people the protection of the fair and just laws of our democratic form of government. His humanitarian compassion for the plight of their people rescued Sri Lanka from descending into the lawless abyss that grips Somalia today.

In undertaking this sacred duty to his nation, his people, the cause of justice for all, and to humanity itself, they confronted many obstacles: humanitarian, political, military, economic, and assassination by the terrorists, on any day, at any time. He confronted the political machinations of a global terrorist and criminal network become wealthy enough through criminal activities to purchase the support of news media and of politicians in foreign governments, to hire batteries of lawyers to bring our great leader to court under various spurious charges, and browbeat him into foregoing the duty entrusted to him by his hapless people. He confronted an international phalanx of political scientists and military experts making pontifical pronouncements that terrorism cannot be defeated except through compromise that would abdicate the very rights and liberties we treasure as a free people, under the threat of continued terrorist violence. This great leader, driven by his compassion for his people, understanding deeply the facts on the ground and the false allegations at work internationally against him, girded their loins to confront these obstacles head-on, in all of their manifestations, thus saving lives and avoiding extending the debilitating conflict further. Today, as a result of his yeoman efforts, Sri Lanka stands poised on the threshold of a glorious future for all of its people, irrespective of community.

The tireless work of General Fonseka to forge this victory not only benefited all Sri Lankan people, but it benefited all peace- and freedom-loving people and nations the world over, by laying to rest the flawed notion that democracies cannot successfully confront and defeat militant terrorism in their midst, militarily if necessary. Had the terrorists succeeded in their attempt to avoid defeat in Sri Lanka, it would have driven another nail in the collective coffin of democracies the world over; democracies fighting existential struggles against terrorists who exploit the very liberties afforded by the democratic form of government to undermine and demoralize them through false international propaganda and devious artifice, based not in reality, but in internationally broadcast falsehoods, false premises and insidious blackmail.

Furthermore, in adopting a humanitarian approach to the conflict, General Fonseka showed the world that it is possible to fight and defeat terrorist movements in a compassionate way, that preserves and protects the lives of all non-combatants, while dealing firmly with the transgressors. In no other country in the world, in recent memory, has a government fed and provided all necessities for its citizens living in areas occupied by the enemy for three long decades, disregarding the use of those supplies by the enemy. In no other country has a government fighting a diabolically ferocious enemy, curtailed and limited its military operations, and the use of more effective offensive weapons, to save civilian lives, and successfully rescued hundreds of thousands of civilians held as human shields, and kindly cared for them after rescue.

In the final analysis, General Fonseka bestowed a real, tangible peace upon the twenty two million people of Sri Lanka, allowing them to again reach for the glorious future that beckoned them at the dawn of independence in 1948. Sovereign Sri Lanka that shone as a model for emerging nations before this unhappy war, can now resume its march towards that national goal ... thanks to the vision, compassion and courage of General Fonseka. I therefore urge you, the Members of the Nobel Peace Prize Committee, to recognize the humanitarian contributions of General Fonseka to the welfare of all people of Sri Lanka in delivering to them a durable peace, and in rekindling hope in the hearts of people all over the world that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall long endure, by selecting General Sarath Fonseka of Sri Lanka for the award of the Nobel Peace Prize.

Thank you.


Name and Signature

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